Sunday, December 20, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens today and I have mixed feeling about it. The action was typical Star Wars goodness, it was fun seeing some of the original actors and characters but overall it felt a lot like a re-used story that was about 30 minutes too long. There wasn't much of an attempt to make this particular episode feel new and fresh. I think that the director was just hoping that as long as he brought back all these old people that fans would come & wouldn't care too much about the plot or the script, which at times was unrealistic and a bit silly. What I will say is that I am really excited about these new comers. They pretty much carried this film and have some potential to bring this series back to life. I'm anxious to see how they do in the future films. For this one I'd say avoid the crowds and wait a couple weeks if you plan on seeing it in theaters.

Friday, December 4, 2015


I saw Creed today. I came into this one a little concerned that I would miss out on some key points of the movie because I've never seen the original Rocky movies (SN don't get mad - I'm working on it) but I must admit that not seeing those movies didn't take anything away from this movie. There was something about this movie that draws you in right a way. The character development made it so easy to care about and root for the protagonists and the boxing scenes were so seamless and clean. They were done as one continuous shot, unbroken, which made them look more real. Sylvester Stallone was really great in this but in my opinion Michael B Jordan carried this film with an intense passion and grit. This guy is one of my new favorite actors. I'd definitely recommend this movie.