Sunday, October 15, 2017

Florence Foster Jenkins

Florence Foster Jenkins is the true story of a New York socialite who, despite having a terrible singing voice, perused her dreams of being an opera singer.

This biographic, dramedy isn’t one that I would normally be excited to see or seek out in theatres, but since Meryl Streep was at the helm I decided to give it a shot once it became available for rent.

I found the plot to be interesting and the acting from the entire cast was pretty good, especially Meryl Streep. She was able to evoke the passion Florence had for music, the love she had for her partner and friends and especially the naivetés she had for her vocal quality, which did provide some laughs.

Overall though, the film itself was a bit dry, which made it feel longer than it was, and I didn’t think there was enough comedy throughout the film. If you are a Meryl Streep fan you will probably be able to get through this one but for most this movie won’t be for them.

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