Sunday, December 24, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi picks up where Star Wars: The Force Awakens left off. The second of the sequel-trilogy had a couple of things that I really enjoyed, the visual effects and acting. The cast was quite diverse and the addition of some new familiar faces was also a plus. These attributes however, were not enough to detour my disillusionment for this movie.

The majority of my disappointment came from the fact that the film lacked any sort of story creativity. It’s just a repeat of the same story lines from 40 years ago. I’m so tired of the nostalgia, I just wish they would move on from the old characters and trying to re-create the Han Solos, the Lukes and the Vaders out of these new actors. The lack of originality not only came in the plot but also visually. I noticed that the imperial vehicles, especially the AT-M6 looks just like the AT-AT Walkers introduced in The Empire Strikes Back. Even some of the creatures, though not exact replicas, made me think they may have been inspired by Ewoks.

Along with the lack of creativity in the plot and the imperial vehicles, they were also trying to push too many story lines. I was not able to fully connect with any one character because of so many moving parts. There were also pieces of the story that made zero sense. Other than a couple of unforeseen twists, it was all very predictable and not as satisfying as I’d hoped it would have been.

I feel like these movies can be polarizing so I know that the die-hard fans will still find some joy in this film. For those that aren’t as committed, I think it isn’t worth spending the money in the theaters nor dealing with the crowds, to check this one out.

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