Monday, August 20, 2018


Gone is a thriller starring Amanda Seyfried. She plays the lead character, Jill, a woman, who after surviving a kidnapping is convinced that her abductor is back when her sister goes missing. 

I thought that the theme of the movie was interesting, it reminded me of Shutter Island. I thought that the acting from Amanda Seyfried was pretty believable and that the story was suspenseful.

However these couple of things were not enough to warrant an endorsement for this movie. It lacked proper plot depth. The motives were unclear and the story progression didn’t make a lot of sense. Additionally there was zero character development, the supporting characters were so one dimensional that at times I was wondering why they were even there. I’m not sure if the writer did that on purpose to make the villain more difficult to spot but it wasn’t executed very well.

Overall this wasn’t a terrible movie but definitely not one that I would want to watch again.

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