Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Best of Enemies


The Best of Enemies is based on the book The Best of Enemies: Race and Redemption in the New South by Osha Gray Davidson. Set in Klu Klux Klan occupied Durham, NC in 1971, this true story depicts the conflict between civil rights activist Ann Atwater and KKK leader C. P. Ellis. Starring Taraji P. Henson, Sam Rockwell, Anne Heche and Yellowstone’s Wes Bentley. 

The plot was engaging and easy to follow. I had never heard this story before so I found it very interesting and inspiring. The hair, makeup and costumes were appropriate for the early 1970s and really helped to connect you to the time.

There was a descent amount of character development, so it was easy to understand the characters motives. The cast worked well together. Sam Rockwell and Taraji P. Henson did a great job carrying this film. Sam’s portrayal of C. P. Ellis’ conflict within was quite compelling. Taraji P. Henson’s portrayal of Ann Atwater showed how fierce she was in her convictions but also kind, when she didn’t need to be, to those who didn’t necessarily deserve it and to those were less fortunate than her. Anne Heche was a surprising addition, she did a great job as Mary Ellis, the wife of C.P. She brought an independent spirit to the character, as she didn’t share in his beliefs, and challenged him to think outside of his box.

This event in history wasn’t that long ago and a lot of the themes resonate even today. So I found the movie to be motivating and in the end, quite heartwarming. It shows that people can change and when exposed to people who are not like them and they can learn and grown a lot from it. During these trying times, this is story people need to see.

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