Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick's final film released in 1999, is an erotic mystery starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman as Dr. Bill and Alice Hartford. The film explores the psychological aftermath of Alice's confession about her sexual fantasies, which sends Bill on a surreal journey through New York City's sexual underworld.
The plot dove into the depths of human desire and marital discord. I felt like Bill's reaction to his wife's fantasy was illogical, but it did lead to the exploration of deeper themes of jealousy, trust, and the fragility of masculinity. The film's title aptly alluded to each characters' willful blindness to uncomfortable truths.
Contrary to expectations for a thriller, the soundtrack failed to enhance the film's suspense or mystery. Instead, it often felt disconnected from the on-screen action, missing opportunities to heighten the tension in key scenes.
Nicole Kidman delivered a standout performance, bringing depth and complexity to her role as Alice. In contrast, Tom Cruise's portrayal of Bill was somewhat one-dimensional, reminiscent of his typical on-screen persona.
The film's treatment of sexuality, particularly its portrayal of women, was problematic by today's standards. The abundance of female nudity compared to the absence of male nudity felt gratuitous and unnecessary in several scenes, contributing to an overall sense of female objectification.
In the end, Eyes Wide Shut has not aged well and may be off-putting to modern audiences with its questionable portrayals. It was an unfortunate final entry in Kubrick's illustrious filmography.
Nicole Kidman delivered a standout performance, bringing depth and complexity to her role as Alice. In contrast, Tom Cruise's portrayal of Bill was somewhat one-dimensional, reminiscent of his typical on-screen persona.
The film's treatment of sexuality, particularly its portrayal of women, was problematic by today's standards. The abundance of female nudity compared to the absence of male nudity felt gratuitous and unnecessary in several scenes, contributing to an overall sense of female objectification.
In the end, Eyes Wide Shut has not aged well and may be off-putting to modern audiences with its questionable portrayals. It was an unfortunate final entry in Kubrick's illustrious filmography.
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