Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sugar Mountain

I came into this movie with very low expectations. Sugar Mountain is a straight to DVD, low budget, indie thriller-ish/drama. I decided to give it a shot because the story seemed interesting and because Jason Momoa is one of the actors in it. In the end, I was actually pleasantly surprised. 
It’s a story of two brothers who are in massive debt and decide that one of them will fake a disappearance in the Alaskan woods so that when he re-emerges they can sell his story. The impact of his disappearance has quite an effect on his community and help to reveal some interesting truths. 
Overall I’d say that the plot was able to hold my attention but I'm glad that this didn't go to theaters because this is a movie better suited for home viewing. If you are looking for an indie film with some great scenic shots, check this one out.

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