Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

It took me three tries to finish Rogue One, always falling asleep during the same part, but as they say, the third time was a charm. Rogue One is a standalone film set within the Star Wars universe. It is supposed to be occurring during the time of the original Star Wars: A New Hope. I never watched the first 3 Star Wars movies but I think if I had seen A New Hope and its two successors from that trilogy, I would probably have had more of an appreciation for the little things in this one. With that said, even though I may not have caught all of the little nuances, I did still feel like I could stick with the story. It had a different tone than the newer Star Wars films, it was darker and had a different maturity. The script had touches or humor and all of the actors, even the relatively unknown ones, did a phenomenal job telling the story. If you aren’t a die-hard fan of this franchise, like me, I think you can still find Rogue One to be enjoyable, therefore I’d still recommend checking this one out.

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