Sunday, January 7, 2018

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is based off of a comic book of the same title. The story follows Major Valerian and Sergeant Laureline as they work together to save their planet from an unforeseen thereat.

This film had beautiful cinematography, it was like a hybrid of The Fifth Element and Avatar, which makes sense because the director, Luc Besson, wrote and directed The Fifth Element. Additionally, the movie had an interesting concept, I also liked Rihanna’s character, though it wasn’t much of a stretch in personality, and Cara Delevingne was better than she had been in previous films, even though she still doesn’t have a lot of range.

I still can’t figure out why a seasoned actor like Clive Owen would want to be in this film. He seemed out of place. I also didn’t particularly enjoy the cheesy dialogue and poor acting, primarily from the lead, Dane DeHaan, who played Major Valerian. I just wasn’t really invested in what he was tiring to portray and at times checked out. He was definitely not able to carry this movie.

Overall this movie had potential but in the end was a bust. I’d say save your time and don’t bother with this one.

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