Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the sequel to Jurassic
World, which is a spin-off of the Jurassic Park trilogy from the 90s. This takes
places a few years after Jurassic World ends. The Jurassic World Park has been
abandoned, the surviving dinosaurs are roaming free, and the island is
threatening to have a volcanic eruption. Because of this Claire (Bryce Dallas
Howard) and Owen (Chris Pratt) are forced to re-unite as they are tasked with
saving the surviving dinosaurs on the planet before the volcano erupts.
I found this movie to be entertaining and fun, yet very
predictable. I’m not one to predict movies but this one was too simple. You
knew who the bad guy was within minutes and you could figure out the way scenes
would play out before they ended. The script was literally a photocopy of the
last 4 movies.
The lack of creativity in this film made me disappointed
that it will be getting another sequel in a couple of years. Due to that I
really think that this series has run its course and really should stop before
they get worse. For die-hard fans, you'll still enjoy it, but for everyone else
I say this one could easily be skipped.
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