Sunday, March 17, 2019

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is the origin story for super hero Carol Danvers. It takes place in the mid-90s and is a prequel of sorts to the rest of the Marvel franchise.

When I saw the previews for this movie I was not convinced at first. I didn’t find the trailer to be as exciting as its Marvel predecessors. I came away not really knowing what it was going to be about. Additionally, Captain Marvel wasn’t introduced in any Avengers movies, like some of her forerunners (Thor, Black Panther, etc.) before their flagship movies, so I was skeptical on how it would pan out. But thankfully I still decided to check this movie out because it was a fantastic, strong female driven story.

I thought that the cinematography was put together very cleanly and believable. There were some really great fight scenes and overall action choreography. The storytelling was engaging and easy to follow. It also fit right in with the other movies in the Marvel franchise. The script was predictable but still entertaining. I liked how it was set in the mid-90s. The costumes were great and the music was a prefect 90s girl power/grunge soundtrack. Additionally, some characters from previous Marvel films made appearances as their younger selves, which I appreciated in seeing how some later connections were made.

The cast was full of great actors, all who all worked well off of one another. I thought that the choice of Bri Larson as Captain Marvel was a surprisingly great one. I had only seen her in the movie, Room. So I knew that she could hold her own in a dramatic setting but didn’t see it coming that she could also carry a super hero franchise. She did a fantastic job portraying this strong-willed, well rounded, powerful character. Along with Larson I also thought that Jude Law’s character, Yon-Rogg, was an interesting choice for him, something quite different than his past acting roles, but one that I enjoyed. Additionally, there was a good amount of diversity among the cast which I also delighted in seeing. And the character development was strong across the board. You were able to connect to a number of characters which  I appreciated.

Overall this was yet another great Marvel movie. One that is action packed and fun to watch. Marvel fans will love this one. Be sure to stick around for the 2 end credit scenes! Up next, Avengers: Endgame!

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