Saturday, August 8, 2020

Work It


Work It is a teen rom-com that follows overachiever Quinn Ackerman, played by Sabrina Carpenter, whose sole focus, since she was young, was to be admitted to Duke university. During her admission interview she misleads her interviewer into thinking she is a dancer and now her acceptance into the university of her dreams is dependent on her performance at a dance competition. 

The plot gave me Save The Last Dance vibes with a twist. The themes throughout were inspiring around not letting others tell you want you can and cannot accomplish in your life, taking a risk, and finding joy in something new.

I thought that the entire cast did a descent acting job, I loved the diversity of the group, especially the addition of Liza Koshy and Jordan Fisher. Liza had the good comedic timing. Jordan has been in a couple of these types of movies and I’ve always liked his approachable, likeable demeanor. Both were not only very entertaining on screen but also amazing dancers. Group choreography can easily turn into something corny but I found the dancing in this film to be quite was enjoyable. The only thing that was really missing for me was deeper character development for the supporting characters.

Netflix is churning out these little jams every time I turn around and for the most part I don’t have much bad to say about them, including this one. If you are looking for a fun, coming of age, underdog story this movie could be for you.

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