Thursday, March 22, 2018

Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour is a biographical drama of Winston Churchill. It follows him during his ascension to Prime Minister and the beginnings of the UKs involvement in the Second World War.

This movie won Oscars for Best Actor and the Best Makeup and Hairstyling. There have been many depictions of Churchill throughout the year and I thought that this one was pretty good. I thought that Gary Oldman did a believable job portraying the icon. He was able to master the motions of the PM and his polarizing nature. Kazuhiro Tsuji, the make-up artist, for the movie did a superb job transforming Gary Oldman, a man of smaller stature to a heavier set Churchill.

I thought the nomination for costume design was just, the costumes and even the sets were able to help transform you to the 1940s. The nomination for best picture, I didn’t quite agree with. Even though the script was interesting and did a great job in delivering some new trinkets about Winston that I hadn’t seen in some other versions, it was a little dry and dialogue heavy. It also didn’t go as far as I would have liked for it to go in the historical timeline. It briefly touched on Dunkirk but I would have liked for it to have gone a few years further than that.

Overall it was a movie that is worth checking out once but not one that I would seek out again.

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