Saturday, May 2, 2020

We’re The Millers

We’re The Millers is a 2013 comedy starring Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, and Emma Roberts. When drug dealer, David Clark, is robbed of all of his money, he takes on a risky deal to move a large shipment of marijuana into the U.S. from Mexico. In order to be inconspicuous he joins up with some acquaintances to create a fake family.

The plot was entertaining and easy to follow. The script was humorous and I enjoyed the acting from the entire cast. Each actor brought their own unique personalities to the roles. I was especially impressed with Jennifer Aniston. She was refreshingly different from previous roles. She portrayed a resilient, fast acting, street smart woman. I’m not a huge Jason Sudeikis fan but he did well in his role and the two of them did a good job carrying this film. The character development was strong for the main cast but could have used some work for some of the co-stars.

The movie is almost 10 years old and didn't necessarily hold up to the cultural sensitivity of today's world. Some of the plot twists and jokes didn’t hit well because they were stereotypically insensitive, overkill or cheesy. If you are someone who is able to roll with those parts of the movie, you will probably still be able to find the funny moments that you get throughout to a nicely wrapped up ending.

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