Monday, February 11, 2019

Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody is the Queen biography. If focuses on their formation and more specifically Freddie Mercury's addition to the band, up until the Live Aid concert.

The living members of Queen were heavily involved in his bio-pic so it was a fairly accurate adaptation. Some artistic liberties were taken to make the movie more dramatic but if you didn’t do the research after the fact, like I did, you would never have known. The plot still transitioned naturally, was very interesting and realistic.

I thought that the script was well written and the casting was impeccable. They were basically doppelgangers of the original band members. They all did a great job playing off of one another but  Rami Malek was the star of the show. He embodied Mercury in such a way that you really felt transported to the time. The costumes were also practically replicas of the original outfits.

Additionally the soundtrack was fantastic. As a fan of Queen’s music it was cool to see how some of their songs were created. I would have loved to have had Under Pressure and/or Bicycled Race added to the playlist but overall there was a very large amount of the bands catalogue that made it to the film.

The only issue I had was a desire for more in the backstory of Mercury and the rest of the band. Because of that the character development was lacking for the cast. I know that the director had a specific time frame in mind that he wanted to capture for the movie, but I would have liked some additional context to feel more connected to the characters.

Overall, this was a well-made bio-pic, Rami Malek deserves all of the accolades that he is currently receiving for his acting and the film also deserves its Best Picture nominations. Even if you aren’t a fan of Queen, I still think that this is a great movie to see.

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