Thursday, May 16, 2019

Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé

Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé, is not your typical film. It is a look inside Beyoncé’s preparation for Cochella along with coverage of the 2 day concert. 

The theme of this concert is Beyoncé giving homage to the women before her, and opening the door to Black culture, specifically the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) experience, to her audience. I thought that visually this concert was stunning. The bright colors, the beautiful costumes, the amazing performances, the choreography, the all Black musicians, dancers, backup singers, steppers and special guests were all a sight worth seeing.

This was an eye opening experience for me to see Beyoncé in a different light, I’ve always seen her as someone who didn’t embrace her blackness, until it was convenient for her, a few years ago. Hearing her talk about how in her younger years she would attend step shows, and how her father went to a HBCU and it was something that she always wanted to do, was humbling. You also see her family and the inner workings of her sacrifices and work ethic to get on that stage.

The only bad thing I will say is there could have been a better song set list. The majority of the songs, until about the hour marker, sucked. To me, Beyoncé is the queen of album filler. The 1st hour was full of songs I didn't know, they all had descent beats with potential but fell flat, the lyrics in those songs were corny and most didn't make sense. They were amateur at best.

If you can push past the mediocre song selection, I think that most will still find this concert enjoyable.

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