Sunday, June 3, 2018

Deadpool 2

In the second installment of the Deadpool franchise, Deadpool 2 picks up where the first one ends. It follows Deadpool as he comes upon challenges that force him to decide what type of mutant he wants to be, an anti-hero or a superhero.

I was really excited to see this one because I loved the first one so much. This movie had a great musical score, I thought it was cosmetically well placed and eclectic. The plot was engaging and not entirely predictable. I also thought that the post credit scenes were really funny and probably the most humbling part of the entire film. I also liked that they did include some additional X-Men cameos.

Throughout the movie it had the same hyperaware, raunchy, self-deprecating humor as the original. Although I enjoyed it, it didn’t have the same punch that the original had. The original actually caught me off guard and generated real hearty laughs. This one didn’t quite provide that same amount of unbridled hilarity. Additionally, there were parts that were really over the top that I think could have been cut out.

Even though this movie was a bit of a disappointment, because it appears the franchise is turning into a one trick pony, I will say that it was still enjoyable. The parts that I liked still outweighed the parts that I didn't like. So if you liked the first one, I'd say still give this one a shot, just come in knowing it’s not going to entirely live up to the original.

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