Tuesday, August 15, 2017


The first time I watched Sully I fell asleep on it. It's the type of movie you really have to sit through and pay attention to so it couldn’t really hold my attention at the time. I decided to give it another shot and I’m glad I did.

It was actually a very emotionally charged and an incredibly portrayed depiction of Captain Sully and what he did to save 155 people with his “water landing” on the Hudson back in 2009. 

Everyone knows the story of how he saved their lives with that landing but what I didn’t know was how many other people contributed to the saving of the airline passengers on hat cold winters day. If it weren’t for all of the men and women who helped those people, they could have easily died of hypothermia in that water. I also didn’t know how much scrutiny Sully encountered from The National Transportation Safety Board. 

Overall the acting was phenomenal, especially from Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart. The script was pretty dialogue heavy but the plot was interesting and all in all it was a very well made film.  

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